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Semieta Access opens even more doors!

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Semieta Access is delighted to announce the development and launch of its own controller – a device that talks to a client database and a barrier or door, via Semieta software, to allow or deny access to a user in real-time.

Every barrier, whether a door, gate or turnstile, needs a controller, and some competitors use them to ‘lock-in’ a client to their own system.

We don’t use our controller that way.

Instead, we have developed this electronic box of tricks with clients in mind, so it can work with other hardware systems, can run more than one door or barrier at a time (saving hardware and install costs), and can memorise access events even if your internet goes down.

Good uh?

But not as good as it name….drum roll please….the ‘SDC’. It stands for ‘Semieta Door Controller’. It doesn’t even do what it says on the tin, as it opens more than just doors!

Hmmm. Marketeers we aren’t, but as we roll out the SDC, we hope you’ll agree that we do know about access control!

The new Semieta Door Controller



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